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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Josh Brolin is the Voice of Thanos

If there's one character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that fans are so excited to finally see, it's the big bad villain Thanos who was teased in the last part of The Avengers movie, and will also be appearing in Guardians of the Galaxy, and is obviously anticipated to be the big villain for Marvel's Phase 3 with the third Avengers movie. Obviously, the character will mostly be CGI, but it is the voice actor who will provide more of the soul of the character (they'll also probably do a Motion-Capture for that actor (just as in the case of Mark Ruffalo for Hulk) to enable him to do physical acting to go along with the animated character as well. That actor who will do so has already been named. It's gonna be JOSH BROLIN! [hit the jump to continue]

Thanos is one of the meanest and biggest villains in the Marvel Comics Universe. In many storylines, he was the one who came the closest to permanently killing all of the Avengers and all of the big characters that stood in his way. Marvel was looking for an actor of some caliber, someone that could give a performance to a very complex, but very purple-skinned alien villain. Fortunately, Josh Brolin is one of those actors who have that kind of caliber.

Thanos made his first appearance onscreen (played by Damion Poitier) at the end of The Avengers, giving an insidious smile when told that attacking Earth is courting death. Or "Death," with a capital D, as the comic book Titan is in love with the physical embodiment of Death.

Thanos is a member of The Eternals, a group of god-like beings with immense power, far beyond that of humans. Thanos is referred to as the “Mad Titan” in the comics for attempting to wipe out the entire human race with his Infinity Gauntlet, capable of manipulating, time, space, reality and even the human soul.

We don't know how big Thanos' plan is, but we know from Thor: The Dark World that The Collector is collecting powerful mystical objects that most speculate will make up the Marvel Cinematic Universe's version of the Infinity Gauntlet. If the Gauntlet is coming to screen, so is Thanos.


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